The Anduril Ghost is the company’s small reconnaissance drone, which was added to the Defense Innovation Unit’s Blue List last week.
They received an Air Force contract last year, and have been in testing with the Army and Royal Air Force. The company got an Army contract for software development in April.
Anduril is Palmer Luckey’s company, who’s sort of a Gen-X-er’s vision of what a Zoomer looks like. He was initially backed by Peter Thiel, and their sentry towers are deployed on the southern border along with the Israeli ones. In other words, we have a very good idea of who and how many are crossing the border illegally, there’s just no willingness to stop it. Maybe someone should start a company to give them all professional headshots via sentry tower, the better to encourage their employment once they’re here.
The border contract was heavily supported by Rep. Will Hurd and the now-indicted Congressman Henry Cuellar. The bribes in Cuellar’s case were running through a cartel-connected bank.
So, if we have a cartel-connected financial institution making corrupt payments to a Texas congressman, while the entire border is being watched at a very close level of detail, what does this imply? That what this is really about is control of the flow of drugs and people. It’s not about immigration control per se.
Another problem with Anduril is it’s connected to the PayPal mafia, which is full of neocons. What that means is they love Israel more than Jesus Christ and the American republic. One big Anduril investor is Elad Gil, who is Israeli.
Here is the tail of a Ghost drone at a trade show.
The motor for the tail propellor is Chinese, from Jiangxi. MAD had a head office in Warsaw at one point but the manufacturing happens in China. And if you look at where it is on the drone, they’re not really hiding this.
The guy who does the blue-listing for the Defense Innovation Unit is Trent Emeneker, a Marine aviator who continues to consult with the USMC. Among his other jobs in the Marines was in quality assurance, so one would hope this would be something he’d pay attention to.
Matt Michelsen, the businessman tied to the Texas slush funds and the Curative fraud via the Chinese front DCVC, was also involved in DIU. It seems like there are real problems there.
Anyway, several members of the PayPal mafia are at Bilderberg this week, Palmer Luckey, Alex Karp and Peter Thiel. I notice that Julie Bush and Cam Hardaway just left Palantir.
All of this sort of demonstrates the fundamental unseriousness of venture-backed defense innovation. Do you think it’s a good idea for the Army’s reconnaissance drones to have Chinese motors? And of course, these military charities like Support Our Troops are running articles about its “deadly payload.” Seems like one of the best things you can do for the troops is not lie to them.