I won’t be posting emails or phone numbers, but they’re in here. Tim Walz, when he was governor, allowed a COVID tip line to be set up for neighbors to snitch on each other for violating social distancing rules and other things. He recently said something to the effect of, “golden rule: mind your own goddamned business.” Well, he hasn’t practiced what he’s preached.
The tip line was a disaster as you might expect. Now the Stasi informants are going to be named and shamed. Here is a Google Drive link to the full dump, it appears to be thanks to a data request by Nathan Hansen. The following is just a small sample, but you get the idea.
Everything the left tried to say about Trump, about the banality of evil, applies to this. Totalitarianism consists in reams of files and records. We know who the snitches are this time, and we’re going to name them. We aren’t going to post the phone numbers and addresses, but we have them.
A lot of it is really dark. Tons of people informing on the government for their neighbors playing basketball in public parks. I’m sure many of these people are deeply interested in urbanism and community-building, but the fact is most of these people know nothing about true community.
If you snitched on your neighbors over COVID, you failed the totalitarianism test. Congratulations, you would be loading cattle cars in the 1940s, you would be an NKVD asset.
Here’s Amy Keranen of Medina, MN, trying to stop church services:
Here’s Liz Busta of West St. Paul overhearing a conversation about an employee at her gym:
Julie McCarthy of Hugo, MN spent ten minutes in a liquor store then reported the employees to the government:
An anonymous report about someone’s neighbors playing basketball (there are others that include pictures of children and black men playing ball):
Someone was taking video of the administration of Holy Communion in St. Paul:
This person is concerned that seniors in an assisted living home aren’t being effectively shut up in their rooms:
This person is taking pictures of children who aren’t theirs:
Lots of reports about usage of public parks and nature trails:
The kids, they’re skateboarding!
Poor pussybaby Patrick McCutchan of West Saint Paul didn’t have enough social distancing at the Dairy Queen, so he reported his neighbors to the government:
Traci Webb was concerned that people trying to make ends meet despite businesses being shut down, ought to be further cracked down upon:
We can’t have those black men balling, can we?
I want you to think very carefully about the following quote: “what can be done about neighbors who have 6-8 kids playing together daily and then at several after/evenings many parents are hanging out on the deck together?”
This person didn’t like a bunch of dads getting their kids together to go to the Minehaha waterfall:
Shawn Johnson of St. Francis, Minnesota was very concerned about masking during bingo night at Beef O’Brady’s:
Jeremy Johnson in Scanlon, MN was very concerned about a bar owner who tried to do business outside so he wouldn’t go broke:
Here’s Susan McPherson, a board certified clinical neuropsychologist, who’s very concerned that the local construction workers are actually asymptomatic carriers. The phrase for this is pathological paranoia.
There is a lesson here about the banality of evil. Totalitarianism consists in reams of paper. Never forget it.
"My God." –Nixon
This is some non-partisan ethically consistent reporting. Well done & thank you.