Apropos of nothing at all, there’s a line in the preaching of Savonarola: “In the primitive Church the chalices were of wood, the prelates of gold; in these days the Church hath chalices of gold and prelates of wood.” He makes great use of the metaphor of wood, comparing the targets of his vituperation to dry tinder, ready for the fires of hell.
It’s been fairly well reported that the conversion of Jordan Peterson’s wife was an Opus Dei project:
“Luckily, I had Queenie there because I tell you, the prayers, they sustained me,” Peterson said.
Her friend, Queenie Yu, came to visit as soon as she heard Peterson was sick.
“I brought a rosary blessed by Pope Francis, a little pamphlet on how to pray the Rosary and an image of Our Lady and Baby Jesus Chinese (sic),” said Yu, who is also an adult Catholic convert and now a numerary member of Opus Dei, a personal prelature of Catholic laity and clergy whose spirituality is rooted in finding God and seeking holiness in ordinary work and everyday life. (Peterson has no formal ties to the prelature.)
As with many Opus Dei conversions, they are going for a family of significant influence. As an institution Opus Dei is bedazzled by the things of the world, so they see a man in colorful suits with hundreds of millions of YouTube viewers, and, with the best of intentions I’m sure, imagine what good could be done should it be put to the purposes of the gospel.
Jordan Peterson entered treatment in Russia for benzodiazepine dependence in 2020. His daughter mentioned some of the symptoms of his condition, which included akathisia. Withdrawal from benzodiazepines is no joke.
So Opus Dei is working on his wife, while Peterson is in a somewhat awful state, goes to Russia, and is put in an induced coma. And then he comes back and Opus Dei, via a very Russian aligned figure, comes along to try to get his hooks in him again.
If he hadn’t undergone a sort of chemical lobotomy, any man with a healthy sense of self is going to feel very uncomfortable with these religious overtures, because they are tainted by foreign influence from an adversary country, and they’re working on his wife.
I find it strange and frustrating that Peterson has danced around Christian belief by means of triangulation with all his Jungian stuff for some time. If he’s reluctant to make the jump, a lot of this stuff is probably why. He can feel that there’s some other power game being played here that has little to do with faith.
Pierre Louvrier’s suit against me in Rome says he was in touch with Jordan Peterson. Louvrier found out that Canadian intelligence was looking into him because Peterson told him so, and one infers Peterson did the right thing telling him to fuck off.
Some of this is going on at the same time a bunch of these other influencers are taking Russian cash, like Benny Johnson, Dave Rubin, Tayler Hanson, and the others caught in the Tenet sting.
All of these influencers are conspicuously supportive of Israel’s pro-Russian Likud government, over and above the actual views of most North American Jews themselves, as are Opus Dei influencers like Lila Rose, whose mission is to save all non-Palestinian babies, it being better for her career if the latter continue to all starve to death.
You can see what a monumental cock-up Opus Dei’s activities in North America are here, and it’s abundantly clear they have a huge Russia problem. It’s also clear that the reason why the prelature’s activities are a mess is the way they chase after shiny objects. Cardinal McElroy should throw them out of Washington, DC when he arrives in a week or two.
Revealing 😑 ugh. Every damn person who has any influence is captured by some entity!