Things are really picking up, and I’m sorry I have to leave this evening. We’ll talk soon. Perhaps you can already hear, faintly in the background, the Battle Hymn of the Republic beginning to play. I think we might see some fateful lightning loosed from a terrible swift sword in the coming weeks. I certainly hope so.
George Santos has been indicted. I haven’t the faintest idea whether he is a countryman of mine, we don’t know if he’s a U.S. citizen. His choices are prison, or to turn on the Republican Jewish Coalition, a Likud front with a ton of gambling money in it. He doesn’t seem like he would do well in prison. Choose America, George, not the mob.
You think about everything differently when you begin to see organized crime as a major player in politics.
Let’s take the porn issue, a lot of Republicans are more keen on fighting the porn wars, which is all well and good. Why do none of them talk about how the pornography industry is a mob business, and it has been for decades? The mob likes the porn industry because it’s a vice business, which can be used to control people. I sort of wonder at this point, do Republicans not talk about that aspect because they actually like that kind of control? How many of them are, like, part of the mob? It seems like kind of a lot of them.
What this means, with respect to the porn industry, is when these guys go down, they’re going to have to go down hard. Fines and policy changes aren’t really enough. Someone burned down the PornHub boss’s house in Montreal a few years ago. He’s said publicly that he thinks it was religious zealots, but if that were true they probably would have been caught—Montreal is not an environment congenial to Christian zealotry. It was probably a message being sent.
Kellyanne Conway is from a New Jersey mob family. We’ve been over the Eliyahu Weinstein pardon in the Trump administration. Jared Kushner is a Jewish mobster, everyone in New Jersey knows this. My read on him is basically that he’s a total psychopath. The matter-of-fact way he treats blackmail here is just very disturbing, his father was famous for that stuff:
Look at John McEntee, with a gambling problem and a father who works for MGM. I know a lot of new right people like him because he represented the moment the Trump administration, at long last, began to sort out its personnel problems, but we really can do better than this.
This is a world Trump himself has been immersed in for decades—anyone in real estate development in New York City would be. My guess is he’s probably been an informant on some of it for a long time. If Trump gets another bite at the apple, this stuff needs to be locked down tight. This is very real.
I spoke to the head of the Claremont Institute about the death of Larry Greenfield, a senior fellow of theirs who died under mysterious circumstances in Las Vegas a couple of years ago. Nobody believes it was a suicide. His brother was under investigation for running the largest Ponzi scheme in Israeli history, and he had a preoccupation with the Jewish mafia in his writing. He wrote all these nice things about Meyer Lansky. If I had to guess, his death was probably the Israelis cleaning up after themselves. It’s very disturbing to me that all of this just goes unspoken in Republican circles. Everyone just seems to know that you don’t talk about it.
There’s a similar problem in Silicon Valley too—the PayPal mafia very much does function like a mafia. Peter Thiel plays a very coy game where he flirts with fascism but surrounds himself with Likudniks like Eric Weinstein, and he’s pretty friendly with Bibi. The Likud Israelis like to use gay conservatives as fronts—Dave Rubin, George Santos, Peter Thiel, Douglas Murray in the UK. It’s because this has uses for the blackmail they use in the GOP.
Keith Rabois, also a member of the PayPal mafia, worked for Dan Quayle, the most Zionist VP before Dick Cheney. Speaker Kevin McCarthy appointed his partner Jacob Helberg to the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission. It just doesn’t work for him to be there while all this Chinese money is passing through these Silicon Valley funds, it’s a clear security risk. And there are a number of weird China things with Speaker McCarthy himself, like letting the Chinese spy Peter Kuo into the California GOP.
Both Thiel and Rabois have a groomer problem that’s probably going to come out in the media soon. Again, as with most of these things, it’s not really about the behavior as such—they’re just way too close to the Israelis, the macroeconomics have left them behind, and a message is going to be sent.
I’m all for alternative tech platforms, but it’s as always a question of who runs them. If there were a patriotic alternative to YouTube, the Israelis would probably kill it. The one the Likud Israelis have backed instead is Rumble, and there’s just no way it’s worth as much as they say it is. Rumble has a partnership with the crowdfunding platform Locals, backed by David Sacks, which was founded by an IDF guy. A lot of right-wing influencers raise money on that, including the Catholic anti-porn guy Matt Fradd. I really wonder about all this. I sort of think the smart thing to do is to stay away from any platform the Israelis create or run.
One of the big Rumble stars is Glenn Greenwald. I agree with Greenwald about many things. I’m pretty pro-Snowden, and I think the work he did on that was heroic, but there’s a lot more to him than most people think. He ran a gay escort service in Brazil, and was himself involved in the pornography industry.
When we’re talking about the Jewish mafia, it’s important to be clear that it isn’t about Jews or Zionism. The very last thing we want is American Jews running into the arms of gangsters thinking they’re the only ones who are going to protect them, nothing could be further from the truth. But we’re going to talk about this, and I think these litmus tests the GOP imposes have caused a lot of gangsterism to get in under the wire. At the end of the day, there’s nothing patriotic about toeing the party line of a bunch of gangsters and criminals. It’s the furthest thing from that. It’s gotten to the point that a willingness to be more moderate on Israel is the surest sign a Republican is not in bed with the mob, and it’s gotten to the point that this is harmful to both our countries. So my analysis is that network is going to have a bad time.
> Someone burned down the PornHub boss’s house in Montreal a few years ago.
I saw the new company that bought Pornhub is an "ethical" hedge fund from Ottawa
I wonder how they will run PornHub in an ethical hedge fund manner. Can't wait to find out!
Charles Johnson writes similarly