The Role of Yaacov Apelbaum in the Hunter Biden Drama
An Israeli spy involved in shaping the whole thing
Yaacov Apelbaum is an Israeli spy, and the sort of Israeli spy who would have good reasons to smear American facial recognition technology, because his company, XRVision, is a competitor. The Israelis do not want American-born technology used by, for instance, CBP, because they want to sell it to us instead, and they also have a hand in some of the human trafficking rackets. In some cases, this wicked nation will steal the technology and sell it back to us.
What this means is that politicians’ unwillingness to forthrightly address the problems in the U.S.-Israel relationship is a clear threat to the American defense-industrial base.
When I got my hands on the Hunter Biden files, or one of the versions thereof, it was clear that Yaacov had access to items that my version did not include. In particular, I was interested in speaking to Dianna Pagano, one of the women who procured hookers for him. He gave me the image that included her contact information, though she did not speak to me.
The location and arrest record of Pagano has potential corruption issues. The way police reform has been done, in Baltimore and elsewhere, has been for the DOJ to obtain a consent decree from a locality forcing them to change the way they do policing. It’s more or less the feds forcing the reforms on them, since very few blue cities would fight a thing like that, and the imbalance of resources would make it difficult to anyway. But it’s the furthest thing from bottom-up reform, there’s nothing democratic about it. The first place where this approach was tried was in East Haven, Connecticut. One of the arresting officers when Pagano was arrested in 2018 was Jonathan Andino, who is sort of a poster boy for the reformed East Haven police department:
Whatever your opinion about police reform, whether it’s good or not, or how it should be done, the point here is that Hunter Biden is getting his hookers from the locality most under the gun of the Obama DOJ.
Apelbaum appears to have had contact with Garrett Ziegler, Ron Johnson, Matt Gaetz, and James O’Keefe, and appears to have had a fairly close relationship with the Gateway Pundit. XRVision has provided sourcing to a bunch of conservative publications, including the Washington Times. So this is an Israeli spy who’s deeply involved in shaping the Hunter Biden story.
Here’s what AZ Central has reported:
Apelbaum said he was from Israel and immigrated to the United States in his late 20s. His Social Security number was issued in Massachusetts in 1988, records show.
Some of Apelbaum's close business associates have ties to foreign intelligence and military agencies, including the Israeli Defense Forces.
XRVision was founded in Singapore in 2015. It bills itself as a specialist in artificial intelligence technology and markets facial recognition software to governments worldwide.
In 2019, the company entered a seven-year contract with the Department of Homeland Security to provide the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency "software for wearable devices ... for matching human face images."
This is very funny:
There's no evidence to suggest Apelbaum, 60, is a spy. He has acknowledged contracting with government intelligence and defense agencies, but he's tight-lipped about much of his background.
"I used to operate in that world," he said, declining to elaborate.
Yeah, alright.
What the case of Apelbaum actually represents is how badly the conservative movement has been penetrated by Israeli intelligence, at the level of human intelligence and technology contracting.
It’s an open question how well XRVision works, it doesn’t appear to be as good as Clearview, for instance. More or less what we have to go on is the green boxes drawn around faces, which is a slightly more sophisticated version of what we in the biz call the “Boomer circle”—Boomers on the Internet will click on something more often if you draw a red circle around what they’re supposed to be looking at, it’s the visual media version of holding an old person’s hand.
Apelbaum has been written about by others, including Matt Binder, but this is the sort of story, if you’re a conservative person raising questions about the Israeli stuff, mainstream journalists will usually consider it anti-Semitic. And Binder knows not to.
Apelbaum has claimed that Mike Flynn and Patrick Byrne of Overstock are trying to take Trump’s supporters away from him, but that might just be a way of the Israelis trying to protect their control of Trump, because Flynn has turned on Benjamin Netanyahu.
Apelbaum has been involved in a number of other weird things, in 2021 he started this business:
According to Florida business records, this company was dissolved on September 16, 2021, the same day this story came out about CDI’s role in demolishing what was left of the Surfside condo complex. CDI was also the company that cleaned up the remains of the Murrah Building after the Oklahoma City bombing. So there’s an interesting question of what New Horizons Autoparts was for.
Brian Della Rocca is also the name of the attorney who provided to Catherine Herridge of CBS the version of the laptop he claims matches what was dropped off at the Delaware computer repair store, whose owner Della Rocca represented. Herridge claimed in her reporting that this makes it the cleanest and most original copy, but that’s only true if you believe the origin story that’s been given, and I don’t.
I should think the Roman perspective on this would be that a president who fails to go after the people who went after his son is weak. President Biden was angrily quoting the “suckers and losers” story, which comes from the poorly sourced Atlantic reporting of dual citizen Israeli prison guard Jeffrey Goldberg. It is a sad thing to watch an old man and American president be run around like this by dual loyalists and spies.
Brendon O Connell made a post about your @SubstackInc post.. i get too many emails even though am subscribed to your substack I can't keep up with any content anymore whatsoever... anymore , am coming to a point I don't even give a damn... BoC @Patreon Post: "General Michael Flynn Has Turned On Netanyahu?"
CDI demoed Surfside on Sunday, July 4!?! I wonder if America’s adversaries enjoyed watching all that evidence get buried on our biggest national holiday?